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Эффективные диеты
В этой книге мы познакомим вас с самыми разными диетами. Какая из диет подойдет именно вам - зависит от состояния вашего здоровья, индивидуальных особенностей вашего организма, даже от ваших вкусов, и определять это надо индивидуально. Выбирайте подходящее именно вам самое правильное питание!

Самая вкусная диета
Вы мечтаете сбросить вес, но не желаете голодать и истязать себя в фитнес-центрах?
Хотите лакомиться тортами и пирожными, не набирая лишних килограммов?
Наслаждаться жареной картошкой со свиной отбивной?
Это - возможно!
Алекс Джеймисон - автор этой сверхпопулярной в США диеты - испробовала ее на себе и своем друге и добилась фантастического результата: за два месяца она похудела на 8 килограммов, а он - на 11!

Кремлевская диета от Виктории Брежневой.
Кремлевская диета помогла избавиться от лишнего веса многим известным людям - политикам, звездам кино и шоу-бизнеса. Сегодня этой замечательной диетой может воспользоваться каждый, кто хочет обрести стройную фигуру.
[подробнее] |
фигуры/Диеты |
Day: You can eat all kinds of fruit except bananas. Melon or cantaloupe
are preferred because of lower calories. You can drink only water, tea
without milk and/or sugar, or cranberry juice.
2nd Day: You can eat all kinds of vegetable (both canned or fresh
ones) till you full. Green vegetable is preferred. You can eat these vegetable
with soup. I will tell you the recipe of the soup after the end of day
7th. Dinner is baked potato with butter. Note: Don't eat any fruit today.
3rd Day: You should eat soup, fruit, vegetable as much as you want but
don't eat baked potato with butter at all.
Note: If you can follow the first three day, your weight will reduce by
5-7 pounds.
4th Day: Eat banana (the maximum is 3 bananas), and drink low fat
milk. You should drink a lot of water as you can and drink soup as much as
you want.
Note: Banana and milk have high calories and carbohydrates. In this
day, the body needs Potassium, carbohydrates, protein and calcium to reduce the
feeling that you want dessert.
5th Day: Eat beef or roasted skinless chicken, tomato, and eat soup at
least 1 meal. You can eat beef about 10-20 oz. and 1 can of or 6 fresh tomato. Today you have to drink 6-8 glasses of water to clean Uric Acid
in the body system.
6th Day: Eat beef or roasted skinless chicken or fish with vegetable as
much as you want. Today you should eat 2-3 pieces of beef steak with
vegetable that have leaves (salad, for ex.) Don't eat baked potato! Eat soup at
least once a day.
7th Day: Eat rice, vegetables as much as you want. Eat soup at
least 1 meal. Drink fruit juice without sugar.
If you can follow this 7-day recipe, you may lose about 10-17 lb..
If your weight reduces more than 15 lbs after these 7 days, you
should stop using this recipe for 2 days, then start again.
Soup recipe Ingredients: 6 Onions, 1 Bell pepper, 1 Cabbage, 2 can boiled peeled
tomatoes, 1 bunch of celery, 1 Lipton soup mix (any flavor)
1. cut all vegetable into small pieces and put in the pot. Fill water
till cover the veg.
2. put salt, pepper, a little bit of curry powder, parsley, chicken broth, a little bit of hot sauce
3. boil at high for 10 min. reduce the power to low till the veg is soft.
You can eat this soup as much as you want because has no calories. The leftover soup can be put in the
freezer. However, of you eat this soup
for too long, it's not good because it has no meat.
Tips: You are not allowed to eat
bread, alcoholic beverage, drinks like coke, carbonate drinks, diet
drink, fried food, corn, all kinds of dried bean. You can drink
water, tea without milk and sugar, black
coffee,sugarless fruit juice, syrup, low fat milk, and cranberry juice.
If you are very hungry, you can cook roasted skinless chicken or
fish in the day that allows you to eat meat (no beef is allowed more than
allow in the recipe).
I hope you can do all of them and succeed in reducing the weight, O.K.?
My new phone number is (303) 786-1706.
Talk to you later. Good luck Paveena
Address to: CHUNVONG PAVEENA <Paveena.Chunvong@Colorado.EDU>
Comment: This is a very popular diet here. And I saw the results. Really
amazing. People
are loosing weight just in two weeks. You can use for your fat clients. Good balanced
diet. Tatiana
Почему вес возвращается?